Trademark vs Copyright: Understanding the Difference
Trademark vs Copyright: Understanding the Difference

In India, trademarks and copyrights are two types of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) that grant exclusive rights to their owners over their creations or products for a limited period. While trademarks are used to differentiate goods or services of a company, copyrights protect original creative works such as videography, photography, literary works, and more. Understanding the distinctions between trademarks and…

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Stages of Trademark Registration Process
Stages of Trademark Registration Process

In today’s dynamic business environment, the monopolistic era has become a thing of the past. While this has allowed people to engage in a wide range of businesses, it has also led to increased competition, as more people are pursuing similar ventures. With this increased competition comes an abundance of similar products, which can be confusing for buyers. Additionally, the…

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Common Mistakes to Avoid While Registering Your Private Limited Company Online
Common Mistakes to Avoid While Registering Your Private Limited Company Online

Starting a company can be a thrilling process, and the startup industry has grown tremendously in India in recent years. However, it is essential to have a complete understanding of the challenges and mistakes involved in the process, particularly while registering a private limited company online. The Ministry of Corporate Affairs estimates that around 15,000 new startups are developed every…

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Pitching Perfectly- A Checklist of Questions to Expect from Investors
Pitching Perfectly- A Checklist of Questions to Expect from Investors

The world of entrepreneurship is filled with endless possibilities and opportunities, but the road to success is not always easy. One of the biggest hurdles that entrepreneurs face is securing funding for their businesses. Whether it’s through venture capital or angel investors, getting the financial support you need can be a daunting task. However, by understanding the questions that investors…

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Importance of Compliance for a Private Limited Company in India
Importance of Compliance for a Private Limited Company in India

What are the Compliance For a Private Limited Company in India Compliance refers to the process of following laws, rules, and regulations that are set the government agencies and other regulatory bodies. For a Private Limited Company in India, compliance is extremely important as it ensures that the company operates legally and ethically. Non-compliance can lead to severe consequences, including…

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Incorporation of Private Limited Company
Incorporation of Private Limited Company

A Private Limited Company has become one of the most widely used business entities lately. A Private Limited Company offers protection of Limited Liability to its members and offers greater flexibility in terms of raising funds from private equity. We have discussed the steps for the incorporation of a private limited company in this blog. We can broadly divide the…

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Understanding Key Financial Ratios
Understanding Key Financial Ratios

You need to know a lot in terms of financial statement when it comes to small business accounting in order to make informed financial decisions. One of the most important things where you can start is by understanding the calculation of key financial ratios and its interpretation. Before we jump to understanding of key financial ratios it is important to do a quick refresher to…

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What’s the difference between Accounting and Finance?
What’s the difference between Accounting and Finance?

As you grow your business you will need advisor for your money management. The question here is, should you hire an accountant or a financial consultant here? It’s very important to understand that accounts and finance both are forms of money management. While finance deals with your investments, mutual funds, stock investments etc, accounts deals with your taxes, receivables, payables,…

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8 Benefits of Outsourced Accounting
8 Benefits of Outsourced Accounting

Outsourced accounting services have become a great option for small as well as the large companies these days, but are they really great? Here are eight reasons why you should consider using outsourced accounting services for your business. #1  Prebuilt Process Outsourced accounting services means you are buying efficient services as long as the company you work with is an…

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