The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) publishes the data of newly incorporated Companies and Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP) on a real-time basis through Company Master Data and Directors’ Master Data respectively. When you incorporate your company, your data is also published on MCA Website (
The entrepreneurs incorporate their company with a vision to get new business. While they are excited to get the company running, they may fall prey to the Company Registration VPP Scam.
What is VPP?
VPP means Value Payable Post. VPP is quite similar to the relatively new Cash on Delivery (COD) concept. The sender declares a value payable to him by the receiver on delivery of an article. So when the recipient receives a parcel, he pays value for the same to the Postman, who in turn sends this value by Money Order to the sender.

VPP on Company Registration or LLP Registration
On incorporation of a Company or LLP, the Company or LLP Master Data is published on the MCA website. The Company Master Data is publicly accessible on the MCA website. Some scammers access the Company Master Data and send some books which are NOT ordered by the promoters of the Company or LLP. The parcel looks like it is received from some Government Department.
Further, the parcel contains some very basic books which are not required at any stage of managing your business. It is advised that the promoters should NEVER accept such VPP Parcels. It is imperative to note that Government or any other Government Department never sends this kind of VPP.