Renewal & Restoration of Trademark Registration
Renewal & Restoration of Trademark Registration

Failure to renew the trademark registration in India every 10 years can result in removal of the trademark from the register of trademarks. To ensure the renewal and restoration of trademark registration, certain procedures and requirements need to be followed. The procedure is described in the following way: Suggestion of Renewal Due by the Indian Trademark Office: Renewal of Trademark…

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Amendments to Trademark Application: A Simple Guide
Amendments to Trademark Application: A Simple Guide

Trademark applications or registrations in India sometimes require amendments. These amendments can be made by submitting a request to the trademark office. Typically, amendments involve correcting typographical errors made during the application process or making changes such as ownership, name, address, legal counsel, or the date of use of the mark in India. Change of Ownership: If there is a…

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Trademark vs Copyright: Understanding the Difference
Trademark vs Copyright: Understanding the Difference

In India, trademarks and copyrights are two types of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) that grant exclusive rights to their owners over their creations or products for a limited period. While trademarks are used to differentiate goods or services of a company, copyrights protect original creative works such as videography, photography, literary works, and more. Understanding the distinctions between trademarks and…

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Stages of Trademark Registration Process
Stages of Trademark Registration Process

In today’s dynamic business environment, the monopolistic era has become a thing of the past. While this has allowed people to engage in a wide range of businesses, it has also led to increased competition, as more people are pursuing similar ventures. With this increased competition comes an abundance of similar products, which can be confusing for buyers. Additionally, the…

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