How to name a Company or LLP?
How to name a Company or LLP?

Names are an important part of our lives. Our names are our identities and distinguish us from others in society. Similarly, the business names are the identities of businesses and differentiate one business from other. The first and most important thing, while starting a new business, which needs to be decided, is the name of the business. The business name…

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Private Limited or LLP – What is better for a Startup?
Private Limited or LLP – What is better for a Startup?

When an entrepreneur wants to start a new business, the first question is which type of business entity suits his business. There are many different options of business entities available in India viz., Proprietorship, Partnership, One Person Company, Limited Liability Partnership, Public Limited Company etc. However the major contemplation is between a Limited Liability Partnership and Private Limited Company. Proprietorships…

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